Digital Painting

Digital Painting??? What is it? Is it art? This has been debated by people since the dawn of the electronic era. It is becoming increasingly more controversial with the advent of AI (artificial intelligence). Many people are using AI to create stunning images of whatever their mind can conjure up. While I have dabbled in AI and am fascinated by the opportunities it presents, I am more intrigued by the ability of technology to offer us a new medium to create. Recently I ventured into the world of digital painting using my own images as a source. These are not artificially generated. They are real photographs that simply serve as a template as I use various traditional techniques of painting, without the physical presence of brushes, oils, chalk, or even canvas. However, the intricate nature of creating and selecting proper media, brushes and texture, taps into the creative side of my brain. The beauty of digital is that trial and error is easy and allows me to proceed, and experiment, with less trepidation. Similar to the way photography has evolved from the chemical history of the dark room, digital painting allows us to proceed in a more environmentally friendly way. While I will always respect and admire those that can take a physical medium (oil, water, chalk, etc) and create an image, I am also impressed by what people can create using the latest technology. Is it art or is it science? Maybe a little of both. Here is one of my earliest attempts with digital painting... You decide!

click here to view my image... "Furry Friend"